Saturday, March 12, 2005

Women's rights or common sense

I have hesitated on writing this post because to many it may seem sexist, but I think I have to speak my mind on this. There may be people who get angry with me for writing what I'm about to write, just because it is stuff that, although true, yet remains things we shouldn't say, or facts we aren't supposed to acknowledge, even though we know the truth in our hearts.

First of all, let me say thank heavens on the capture of fugitive Brian Nichols, the guy in Georgia who overpowered his police escort to court, took her gun and shot her and three other people before fleeing.

As an armed security officer this is an issue I have dealt with secretly in my mind for a long time. I have to wonder with all the equality issues between men and women, why are we forced to ignore common sense many times just for the sake of political correctness? What in the world was a female officer doing escorting a guy like this, uncuffed, alone, and a known danger??? The day before, officials had discovered shanks in Brian Nichols' shoes. Because of this the judge, now dead, had ordered beefed up security be placed on Mr. Nichols. My heck people!!

Yes, I do believe that women have a place and a role to fill in police work. But, let's be honest. In most cases women are going to be physically weaker than men when it comes to brute strength. Could this have happened if a male officer had been the escort? You bet it could, and has! Especially with a man this bold and dangerous, plus the relaxed circumstances he was being escorted in. On the other hand. Is it possible that the fact that his escort was female incouraged Nichols into the action he took? Do you think it might have been more of a deterrent if instead he'd been escorted by one or two burly, mean-looking male cops? I have to say, probably. And if it wasn't a deterrent, how quickly could Nichols had overwhelmed a male cop in comparrison to the female?

I am not trying to throw disrespect on Cynthia Hall, the female cop. She was just doing her job. And, I'm not putting forth that women should lose the right to vote, and be required to veil their faces in public. But, now several people are dead, and we have to think of that. I am afraid women's equality issues must take a back seat in this case. To me it goes waaaay beyond just giving a woman the chance to prove her worth, blah blah blah, in this case. When other lives are depending on it, we need to excercise good judgement and common sense.

That's all I have to say on that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel badly for this poor family who lost a daughter, sister, or even Mother. I am a woman and think this topic is a no-brainer. I don't recall the last time I saw a woman playing for the NFL...oh yes I do, it was on the 15th...of NEVER. You pit able bodies against able bodies. Political correctness aside...this was a sad unnecessary loss of a great female officer!