Thursday, March 24, 2005

Cutting back the calories

Well, after about 2.5 weeks of my new program, I am convinced that I am taking in too many calories. I have seen my waist expanding, and though I have not weighed myself on the scale, I can just feel it. I Figure I have given my body enough time to adjust to the new influx of carbs, and I must just be taking in too much. For anyone interested, and mostly for my self I am going to list my new diet that starts tomorrow. The workouts are great, and will stay the same, other than I need to start implementing some cardio now. I have done nothing but straight weight training for the last 2.5 weeks. My new diet is as follows:

5 AM 4 egg whites, and half of a whole wheat bagel (plain)
8 AM 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1 serving whey protein, and 1/2 cup milk (together like a cereal )
9 AM Work out ( creatine monohydrate with 4oz apple juice immediately after workout )
11 AM 2 serving whey protein mixed with 1/2 cup mile, and 1 banana
2 PM 1/2 tuna sandwich on whole wheat, and 1/2 apple
5 PM 1/2 tuna sandwich on whole wheat, and 1/2 apple
8 PM Chicken Stir fry
10 PM 1 cup cottage cheese

Total = 1,820 calories

This is about a 500 calorie cut in my diet. The frequent eating should keep my metabolism burning, and prevent me from cheating as I always know another meal is right around the corner. I am about 215 lbs currently. At least I was 3 weeks ago. I figure if I stay dedicated to this diet and continue to make working out a priority than I should lose fat and add muscle. It's just a matter of finding the balance.


Tracy said...

The new plan looks great! For some variety, check out a book called Eating for Life written by Bill Phillips. There are a lot of great ideas in there for each meal, and you won't have to mess with supplements as often.

BTW - you used "who" correctly on your comment earlier :) I see a lot of things in their opposite, and was surprised that someone else pulled that out of my post!

Unknown said...

Finally an idea of what you were's like you read my the past! ;-)