Monday, March 14, 2005

Week Two of The Change

Well, it today marks the beginning of week two of my new diet and workout regimen. I have to say that after a few days I got a little nervous. I felt myself gaining weight. My pants aren't fitting as loose as they were. I consulted with a good friend of mine who is a personal trainer, and he said that I should expect some weight gain after coming off from Atkins. Alot of it according to him is water weight, and not to worry. So, on I plunge into this new body experiment.

I realize that I most likely won't be able to achieve the same results as Charlie Poole from my former post. But, if in three months I can do what he did in just 4 weeks, I'd be way way happy with the results.

This last week didn't go quite as well though workout wise as I had hoped. It started off really well, but my job interfered with me being able to get a consistent workout program really going. I did manage to get a few good ones in though. This week however, my schedule is different, and I should be able to have a good solid week of eating right and consistant workouts. Hopefully, for now on my job won't be such an interference to the routine.

In addition to everything else, I have decided to take some supplements to help me on the way. One is a whey protein powder shake, and the other is Creatine Monohydrate. These are supposed to be among the top supplements among bodybuilders.

One last thought. For the next four weeks I will not be weighing myself on the scale. I know that I am heavier now than I was a week ago, but I don't want to panic myself by overdoing it on the scale.


White Salamander said...

Of course if you are taking creatine that could account for quite a bit of weight gain since it will make you start to retain quite a bit of water.

Brady said...

Yes, and let's not discount the pounds of massive muscle I must be packing on at this point.

Unknown said...

I think it's great that you were looking for the long-term not necessarily the quick results!