Tuesday, March 01, 2005


In my locality there is a big story that has broken, and is on the front page of the local newspaper every day this week. ( www.postregister.com ) It is the sad story of boy scouts being molested at scout camp by a counselor. Apparently he was convicted some time ago, and is already out of jail. The big story is that the BSA (boy scouts of America) was succesfull up until now to keep the details of the case locked away. Now, a judge has ordered the details be opened to the public, and the local news paper has run rampant with it. Unfortunately The Post Registser's website is not free, and I can't post links to the articles, so you are going to have to take my word on alot of this.

In my opinion the writer, Peter Zuckerman, has taken every advantage to land low blows against the BSA, practically laying all of the blame in the BSA's lap. On occasion he grants the BSA a repreive to lamblast the LDS Church, who is the major sponsor of the BSA in this area. Brad Stowell, the convicted scout camp molester, seems to escape much blame in Zuckerman's stories, as the focus is mainly applied to what the church and the BSA could've should've done to prevent the molestations. Although, personally I believe that the Church and the BSA aren't blameless, and should be held somewhat accountable for what happened, I think it's fruitless and destructive to pursue the amount of blame which Zuckerman seems to promote. After all, it was Stowell who manipulated, lied, and committed the crimes.

Whether true or not, a rumor has arose now that Zuckerman is a homosexual, which would explain his obvious vendetta against an organization such as the BSA who is under constant attack by the gay community for disallowing gays to serve as scout masters. Though, not in so many words, Zuckerman seems to be saying, " See, straight guys are allowed to be scoutmasters, and they are capable of molesting too "!

It is on this point I'd like to dedicate the rest of this blog post. Many gays have submitted this argument; That sexual preference doesn't play a part in molestation. Straights as well as gays are capable of such an act. Personally I believe the percentage is probably higher in gays than straights, but let's for the sake of argument accept that the chances are 50/50 of a straight scoutmaster molesting his scouts, and vice versa with a gay scoutmaster. Cough...(yeah right) ahem....

You people out there who think a homosexual should be allowed to be a scoutmaster in the BSA, have you ever really thought it out beyond just the seeming priciple of your argument? Can you really imagine this gay scoutmaster at the city pool changing into swimsuits with his scouts? This is not a blog to argue homosexuality. In fact let's assume again for the sake of argument that homosexuality is a completely moral, acceptable thing in our society. Would you still put a gay with a bunch of young adolescent boys? Think about your young adolescent daughter...would you be comfortable with her going swimming, camping, etc. with a 30 year old man? Having her change into her swimsuit and what not right in front of him? While he stands there in the nude? I know it sounds absurd. At least it should. A male homosexual with young boys in the same situation is just as absurd as a straight male with young women. It's just a matter of looking at the facts of sexual attraction, and what is common sense.

Yes, there are straight guys out there that can prey on young men. ( yeah right, they're straight ) That is something that can't always be detected and avoided. Once in a while one of these sickos succeeds in his plots. All we can do is try our best. It is up to all of us in our community to see to it that predators are stopped before they can strike. Unfortunately in the story above, the community did too little too late.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember when those articles were coming out daily in the PR. It was a scary thing for me as my son was nearing the age of eight. I was scared for his safety but decided to delve into the book and study the scouting program. Once I read about the program...I realized it would be an absolute blessing for my son to be involved in the BSA! It's not about the BSA...this is about failure to catch the sick individuals who preyed on innocent, unsuspecting boys!