Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Words of a Master

Years ago I was heavily involved in power lifting. This was a two year stretch in which I went form 190 lbs to 270 lbs. I was really strong, and could do 1,000 lbs reps on the leg sled. I didn't do it alone as I had a trainer the whole two years. He is an olympic weight lifting coach for the USA, consultant to the Bulgarian weight lifting team, and has trained 36 body building champions in his time. It was a privelage to be under his wing for two years.

Now, as I strive for better health, weight loss, and muscle gain, I have recently been reflecting on this time in my life. The workouts were horrendously difficult. I reached levels within myself that I never knew existed. I pushed through mental walls that I didn't even know were there. Now as I struggle trying to lose weight, and get in good consistent workouts one of his sayings keeps popping back into my head, and I thought maybe all of us could benefit from his wisdom. He said, " Your body is simply a will do whatever you ask of it...if YOU will get out of its way ! The body physically has no concept of TOO hard, or TOO heavy. It only does what it's told ".


White Salamander said...

Yes, it is very interesting how much the mind can be an influence for positve and negative and like you said, erect metal walls and barrier and put restraints on the physical.

Unknown said...

I bet you loved training with that guy! Wow...he sounds like he really knew what he was doing too, but I'm so glad your focus is health and not weight need to be around for a long time to be with your sweet family and entertain me with your blog posts!