Saturday, April 16, 2005

Don't know if I can take it much longer

Well, update on my diet time. I sure have packed on a lot of muscle mass it seems. I am enjoying the look and feel of bigger arms, chest, and legs, but unfortunately I have also increased in body fat. I am not sure by how much, but my pants are tighter than before. My last update, I had dropped my calories down to 1500, thinking that that should do it no matter what. Turns out that this few of calories just caused me to be super hungry to the point where I would have no will power, and tended to binge at nights on unhealthy snacks and crap. I haven't really followed any semblance of a decent diet, or work out routine in about two weeks. My busy work schedule is partly to blame.

I talked to my friend who happens to be a personal trainer, and fitness consultant, yesterday. He said that reducing my calories to 1500 was the worst thing I could've done. Someone my size should be eating more. Fewer calories on someone of my size will actually result in a slowing down of the metabolism!

Anyway, I have reworked things and am going to be starting fresh and new again on monday. I would start now, but my parents are grilling burgers sunday, and I figured I might as well enjoy one last good meal before getting all serious. I am going to be back up in the 2,000 calorie range, and still eating six meals a day.

My friend also advised me that I should be trying to get in at least three cardio sessions a week, so I revised my training split.

Day 1- Abs / Chest / Cardio
Day 2- Back / Biceps / Triceps
Day 3- Shoulders / BIG cardio
Day 4- Legs / Traps
Begin with Day 1 again.

Well, we shall see. I am frustrated because I feel like I am undoing all the progress I made on the Atkins diet. It is tempting just to get back on Atkins, because the weight really does come off, and you aren't ever hungry. But, at the same time I want to be building muscle mass and become a more active person. I don't know what kind of muscle building I can achieve if on a low carb diet. Seems I should be able to add muscle if eating all that protein. Who knows. If it starts to get too drastic, I may have to go back to Atkins. Any advice from anyone?


Tracy said...

Oh, don't do Atkins...that's probably how things went wrong in the first place :)

1500 calories is a cut, indeed, but if you're getting enough fatty acids you shouldn't need to worry about your metabolism. Try CLA - the GNC variety is the best for the buck. Take 3-4 g per day (you can space them out - each capsule is a gram). This will preserve your muscle mass while you cut calories (therefore not allowing you metabolism to drop through the floor). Basically it prevents your body from going into famine mode - THAT'S the worst thing you can do to yourself on a diet.

Good luck! And it's good to see you back :) (Thanks for the site, btw! I'll check it out!)

Unknown said...

Thank you for relaying information to me both here and on fb! That's a great weight training split...I think I'll follow that! Look at all you've achieved!