Thursday, April 07, 2005

Minutemen and Border Patrol

I feel like these minutemen down in Arizona helping to patrol the US border down there are getting a bad wrap from the msm.

While doing some patrolling of my own last night, I was listening to late-night talk radio, and heard an interview with a radio reporter who was embedded with the minutemen down there, and he had some interesting things to say.

He said that although, publicly the US Border Patrol has denounced the minutemen and expressed concern for the action taking place, this reporter has seen the actual agents, the guys getting down and dirty everyday, walking up to the volunteers and shaking their hands, and thanking them for the help. He has seen agents salute the Minutemen as they drive past.

Another thing he said is that since the Minutemen converged they have seen the attempts at border crossing diminish by one half, and this was only on the second day.

Also, they are apparently having an effect on the drug smugglers as well. He told a story, of an incident when all the Minutemen radios were simultaneously jammed for several minutes. After the jamming ended everyone was able to hear a conversation in spanish for a few minutes between two men, discussing a "drop" that was going to be expected later. Many are guessing that the smugglers needed to move something, and took such measures as to actually employ the use of some kind of jamming device so that any Minutemen who saw anything would have no communications.

Myself, It was refreshing to hear these accounts from someone who is really down there. Are these people anti-immigration? No. Just anti ILLEGAL immigration. Are they behaving violently towards those crossing the border? No reports of any violence yet.

Something to consider. Many experts on terrorism are predicting that if any other major attack occurs within the US, it will originate from the Mexican border. This threat is real enough to have prompted the government to hire up to five hundred more border patrol guards. At my job we receive FBI briefings often on fugitives, and wanted terror suspects. I have heard stories of Arabs going to Mexico, and assuming a Mexican name, and crossing the border into the US illegally with more on their mind than finding a job picking tomatoes. Some of these illegals have even managed to receive government clearance and get jobs working in sensitive areas!

We have a long ways to go securing our safety. We should be commending these Minutemen for volunteering their time, and putting themselves at risk, instead of demonizing them as thugs and racists. Someone has to call attention to this ever-growing problem that even the President seems to turn a blind eye to.


Tracy said...

You always find a way to see things from the other side, a great characteristic that not many possess. Kudos to you for that.

Thanks also for the swim flip instructions, VERY much appreciative and I can't wait to try it out!

White Salamander said...

Obviously, living in Arizona has really opened my eyes to how problematic the border situation is.

I don't blame the mexican people one bit for trying to sneak into the U.S. but groups like the Minutemen will continue to form until the federal government decides to deal with issue with more than words and half measures.

AWD said...

Indeed, it is interesting to see the reaction from those same politicians who justify gun control byu referencing vaguely to some idea of a militia. It seems that they are eating their words on this one. The program should be commended, both for the lives that they have saved (yes, most of what they have done is alert border patrols to the presence of illegals, but they have also provided assistance when an illegal finds himself dehydrated and lost), and for calling attention to what is not a small problem in the age of terror. Keep up the good stuff.

AWD said...

Indeed, it is interesting to see the reaction from those same politicians who justify gun control byu referencing vaguely to some idea of a militia. It seems that they are eating their words on this one. The program should be commended, both for the lives that they have saved (yes, most of what they have done is alert border patrols to the presence of illegals, but they have also provided assistance when an illegal finds himself dehydrated and lost), and for calling attention to what is not a small problem in the age of terror. Keep up the good stuff.

Unknown said...

Wow...and to think you were on the ball enough to recognize problems would exist before Fast and Furious! Volunteered workers to help guarantee the safeguarding of our nation...I think that should be hero status!