Thursday, May 05, 2005

It's all good

Well, life moves on. thanks for the sympathetic comments made by those who purused my last post. For those interested, the little tyke is just as good as ever. I worked on throwing and catching a football with him today. Funny, how I seemed to so much more appreciate that little moment now.

I must have bruised some of my ribs in the fall. I didn't workout yesterday, and will most likely skip tonight as well. My abs and left arm are tremendously sore after my incident. I feel like I've done a thousand one-armed pushups. I will probably give my body a few days to recover. Plus, the day after the accident I had to go to a hand-to-hand-combat class for work that lasted all day. It consisted of kicking and punching bags, and throwing each other around on a mat. So, I am actually pretty sore from all that too.

Can't wait to get back into the groove



Tracy said...

Man, you've really been through the war. Nice to know that you've won, though, hmmm?

Unknown said...

So glad all ended well!