Friday, March 02, 2007


That's been me for the last week. Sunday night I felt a tickle in my throat that caused me to cough a bit. I thought I had inhaled some dust or something when moving a refrigerator. Monday morning while driving to the gym I felt a bit of tightness in my chest associated with a small cough, but I felt well enought, and went through with my workout.

About half way into the workout, I suddenly felt very drained. My lungs were burning, and there was a raspy, raw sensation in the back of my throat. I came to terms with myself and admitted that I must indeed have come down with something. I quit the workout, and went straight to the sauna hoping to sweat out whatever it was afflicting me. Unfortunately some kind of virus has entrenched itself into my system, and has been reeking havoc on me all week. Runny nose, pounding head, stuffy sinuses, terrible cough, aching muscles and joints etc.

The fact that I've been working these last four days hasn't helped me in getting any better. Getting up at 4:30 am every morning, and not getting to bed till 11:00 pm. AAARGH! I get the next three days off, so tonight after I get home, I'm going to do a double dose of Nyquil and try to sleep for three days. Then maybe I will feel better.

Kudos to my wife who has gotten in a workout every day this week, and done a good job on her eating. Meanwhile she leaves me in the dust.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hate getting sick and it seems to hit around the time you are trying your best to implement a recommitted effort to health...oh the irony!