Monday, April 03, 2006

Unexpected Surprise

Today was day one of my attempt at the Body For Life twelve week program. I got up this morning at 7:30 and was at the gym working out by 8:10. I planned ahead of time what my work out would consist of last night, going by the guidlines in the Body For Life program.

I have always considered myself a hard-hitting customer when it came to weight training, so I wasn't too concerned about today's work out. In fact, I will admit that I was a little skeptical at first. Is it possible to really get in a good weight training work out in just forty five minutes? Especially when training chest, shoulders, back, triceps and biceps? Personally, I thought that this work out would be a little amateurish for me. I figured Bill Phillips had designed it for those with little or no experience in the gym.

I am here to say that this morning I got served a big slice of humble pie! This work out was intense! I felt the blood rushing to my muscles after each exercise. I could barely keep my arms from shaking on the steering wheel on the drive home. In fact, It hit me so hard, I was unable to finish the work out. I walked out on the last few sets of biceps. I was just too exhausted to continue. Bile was rising up in my stomach from exersion, and I felt like I was going to vomit if I continued! So much for my earlier concerns.

Tomorrow will be a cardio day. No need to get up early and head to the gym. I can do that on my treadmill here at home. So, here I begin the journey with the first day being a success as far as I'm concerned even though I didn't finish the work out. I still pushed myself.

Day 1 - 217 lbs


Unknown said...

I think I'll need to open up my "Body for Life" book again. I've contemplated the eating plan (but shrugged it off thinking that six small meals would be impossible) but never even tried the workout plan.

Brady said...

The six meals a day is kind of a pain, but not so much when you plan ahead and actually make a food calendar. And IT DOES WORK. Force yourself to try it for two weeks and see how it revs up your metabolism.

Brady said...
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