Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So Far So Good

Ok. It has been about two weeks since I began Body For Life. Today is actually day sixteen. It seems to be going pretty good so far. In two weeks I've lost five pounds. My friend, the personal trainer who recommended this, says that five pounds in two weeks is terrific. So, I am pretty excited.

I have been keeping a journal where I log every workout, and every meal. It has been helpful to go back and look at previous workouts and use the numbers to plan future workouts. It also has been a great motivator. Knowing that I have to write down my workouts and meals in a journal helps keep me in line. I also took before pictures, and am going to take pictures every four weeks throughout the entire twelve week program, so I can track my progress that way. This is also a great motivator. Knowing that my next pictures are in two weeks makes me want to really work hard over these next couple weeks. I wonder if any change will be noticeable in just four weeks.

I am feeling pretty good so far. I can feel my muscles hardening, and my waist line seems to be getting smaller just by the feel of my pants. The energy level seems good, and the diet is actually a pleasure to be on in comparison to the low-carb dieting I was doing before. For the record: Starting weight: 217 lbs. After week one: 215 lbs. After week two: 212 lbs. Total loss so far: 5 lbs.

I thought we'd have played some paintball by now, but the weather has been atrocious! It's been snowing the last two days. This is one of the worst springs I think in my memory. Today is looking pretty good though. I think I will go fly my radio controlled helicopter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Journaling...I've forgotten about that! That's part of the accountability you are talking about that I haven't embraced yet! Gotta get going on that! keep on going, so awesome!