I just finished reading "The Body Fat Solution" by multi-champion natural bodybuilder, Tom Venuto. I'm not new to Tom's philosophy or techniques. Last year I read his E-book, "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle" Also known as "BFFM"
I have to say I've never read an author on the topics of health, nutrition, and weight loss that makes as much common sense as Tom Venuto. Tom immediately slices through the murk and fog out there permeating the fitness world, and gets right down to basics. Basically (pun intended) it all comes down to calories in VS calories out. If you want to lose body fat then you have to force your body into what Tom calls, a calorie deficit. Essentially, burning more calories every day than you consume. According to Tom, there is no miracle pill or miracle diet out there that will yield the kind of results promised in all the glossy ads in the fitness magazines.
A new twist however, is Tom's emphasis on the power of the subconscious and mind control. In fact the whole first third of the book deals with issues like, emotional eating, relapse, goal setting, etc. I found Tom's insights on these subjects to be invaluable to me. One of my favorite parts of the book is when Tom asks the reader to imagine that he could go into a "software" store and buy software that you could reprogram your brain with any habit or belief. . .what habits and beliefs would you buy? Then he goes on to say that this is literally possible with some mental training. Just great stuff.
So, now I'm into this BFFM and seriously going to go for it. I feel like my eyes have been opened wide and with the knowledge I've reaped from Tom it is possible for me to obtain the level of health and fitness I desire. In fact, I lost five pounds just while reading the book. It had the effect of immediate motivation on me. So, I will be using this blog as my personal progress journal. I'll be recording my weight loss, my food consumption, my workouts, my goals, etc. By doing this publicly on the net I hope to be able to force some pressure and accountability on myself. I plan to (Gulp) post before and after pictures eventually.
This isn't one of those 12 week crash course weight loss extravaganzas. It's going to take time. I have probably a good 25 - 30 lbs to lose and I figure I'll be losing maybe 2 lbs a week tops. . .that would be a good week! But, slowly and surely will be the winning strategy in the end.
So here's to success for me! And maybe down the road I will be able to help and inspire my friends and family to go for it too. Below is picture of Tom Venuto I have decided to use as my personal inspiration. Something to set my sights on.

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