I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about this week. It's been one of those weeks where a wrench was thrown into the gears of my routine. I had to fly to Portland, OR. to help my brother move here to Idaho. We got up early Wednesday and flew to Portland, spent all day sweating and grunting as we loaded up all his stuff into a U-Haul. Then straight away, we took off, trying to beat rush hour traffic. We ate once at a sandwich shop at around 11am before loading the U-Haul, and I don't think we stopped to eat at a Wendy's until around 6pm maybe. By this time I was ravenous and there was no way I was settling for a salad. So, I went for some big burger and fries. At the gas station we bought chips and licorice, and we didn't stop again till 2am to check into a motel.
The next day, right back on the road until we got burgers again at a Jack in The Box at around 11am. I didn't eat again until I got home around 5:30pm that night. I was dying for something healthy. I immediately made and consumed a chicken wrap with tomatoes, I guzzled water all night, and snacked on some carrot sticks. I have to say that for two days, I basically broke all the rules and went against everything I know about losing weight, I'm not going to beat myself up about it too much since a lot of the main factors were out of my control.
The main problem was allowing myself to get too hungry. When you go as long as we did between meals it is almost impossible to resist temptation when you're standing there at a Wendy's to order food. It's also impossible not to reach into those chips and licorice when you're really hungry. I'm used to eating every two to three hours, so my body was wondering what the heck was going on! The other bad thing is, that getting that hungry, was probably putting my metabolism into "starvation protection mode" and slowing waaaay down to conserve energy. Then when it was suddenly bombarded with high fat calories, the sensible thing to do was to store as much of that energy as possible.
On the bright side, I think I expended a lot of calories loading and unloading the truck those two days. What effect it had, I don't know. I am feeling a bit apprehensive about my weigh in Sunday night. I'm afraid I might have done enough damage to negate some of the progress I've made up to his point. The good news is I have two days before my weigh in to try to recoup back some of that two days of debauchery. Honestly, I will be pleased if the scale just stays the same and shows no loss, but no gain either. I have a feeling at this point though, that I might be showing a couple of pounds in the plus column.
I just need to plow forward. Get back in the saddle so to speak. And that's going to be the difference. In times past, I might have given up after a week like this. In times past, two days of debauchery would have led to an entire week of it, and then eventually to an entire abandonment of my plan altogether. I may have gained a couple pounds this week when all is said and done, but that is not going to stop me or discourage me from continuing onward. I knew when I began this, that not every week would be perfect. I knew I would suffer from set backs and some disappointments. The key is going to be to not let those set backs and disappointments discourage me, and cause me to self-sabotage.
Arighty then. . .enough typing now, it's off to the basement for a workout. Back in the saddle!
Over and out.
1 comment:
Yup, you gotta get right back up on that horse!
A couple of days off plan won't do much damage. Sounds like you got right back on the wagon, and you did get some exercise in, so don't beat yourself up. Maybe you'll get a nice surprise on the scale on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!
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