About an hour ago I got back from one of my favorite local burger joints, Leo's Place, in Idaho Falls. At Leo's I enjoyed a big ole' half pound burger and a plate of tots, plus a diet Coke. And the awesome thing is, I can honestly say that I didn't "cheat, fall of the wagon, depart from the program", etc. In times past I'd probably be sitting around feeling guilty for such a decadent pleasure as a burger and tots.
But since my recent enlightenment I know that little free meals like mine tonight can be enjoyed occasionally and I can still continue to lose weight. The danger in times before would have been a feeling of guilt, which would lead to a feeling of failure, which would in turn lead to a feeling of hopelessness, which would eventually lead to a binge. . . causing more feelings of guilt and hopelessness and probably abandonment of the program entirely.
Those days and those feelings are in the past now. Tom Venuto believes in living life. We aren't robots, we are human beings. We require variety in our lives and simple pleasures. This isn't an excuse to eat whatever I want all the time. But, as long as I don't over indulge by stuffing myself, and ninety percent of the time I eat only the good, healthy, nutritious foods, and stick to my training program, then I will be fine. The weight should still come off. Maybe slower than a lot of programs out there, but it will be for sure and life long.
Tomorrow will be like any other day for me ninety percent of the time. Get up, eat a good healthy breakfast, workout, etc. I weigh myself on Saturday. That gives me plenty of time to get the burger out of my system.
I totally agree with allowing yourself some "fun food". I think its much easier to stay on program if you give yourself a treat every now and then.
I still use half & half in my coffee every morning...its 80 calories and 1/2 fat, but you know what - it tastes good and I feel like I'm having a treat.
Sounds like you have a healthy attitude about this whole weight loss thing!
Oh, and about the calipers - I never really thought about them, I'll have to check them out! I take measurements, though, knowing that sometimes the scale doesn't budge even when the body is losing fat.
Great post! I can really relate to what you described. SO many times I totally fell off the wagon because of feeling guilty over ONE meal. I'm learning that ONE meal does not have that kind of power over me anymore. I'm learning to eat occasional treats in moderation... and to continue to enjoy life and get healthy in the process.
Just wanted to say thanks so much for your wonderful feedback on my blog post about the barbeque. And great idea on eating the salad first - I will definitely do that!
Have a great weekend,
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