I just wanted to note real quick the great workout I had today. I'm proud of myself for getting in there and getting it done. I'm calling it my comeback workout, because it's the first time since being back from Oregon that I Felt really good. I don't know if it all came from a deep desire to punish myself for the days I was off my routine and program, or if I just started to really get off on the endorphins.
I was busy all day long. I had to get the kids' inflatable pool set up, and I had to assemble the boys' basketball pole and hoop, which took all day pretty much. And on top of that, I had to try to do some repair work to my truck. I was getting kinda down as I saw my window of opportunity slipping away for a workout. I wasn't even going to do it, but around 8pm I just suddenly got a burst of will power, and I went for it. I just did weights, working chest, biceps, and forearms. I really got a good pump, and felt great at the end.
It was like I stood up in defiance or something. I know that most likely the scale is not going to love me tomorrow night, but I've decided I don't care this week about the scale. The main thing is, I'm feeling back on track, and with the program again. In fact, I might just skip the scale for a week, and just set a goal to work really hard every day. I also got my eating back in check today, and I'm feeling great about that.
I'm recognizing my mistakes this week, and why I made them. A main mistake was I didn't really set a goal for this week. I knew that I would be falling off the wagon when I went to Oregon, and I think on a subconscious level, I actually planned to fail this week. I never made a plan for success during the trip. Now, that I know that, I can plan better in the future for life's disruptions.
So, here's to another week. I might have taken a couple of steps back, but now I'm going to charge ahead. . .like a linebacker, and plow through into the next week.
Over and out.