Saturday, September 24, 2005

Uber Geek

I was just thinking about my hobbies and interests the other day, and what an uber geek I really am. An uber geek goes beyond just geek. A normal regular geek might just be someone who's good at math and got a good job in computers. Or just some guy who likes Star Trek a little too much. But, an uber geek is something different. An uber geek is geeky in all sorts of ways, and to the max. Ok, so maybe I'm not a complete uber geek, but I'm definately a geek. Anyway, I started thinking of how I can tell if I'm a geek, or just an uber geek, and as I thought and thought, I sort of started coming up with a mental list of uber geek indicators. So, I decided to share on my blog my top ten indicators that you are an uber geek. So, in the tradition of Jeff Foxworthy, but probably not as funny and creative, here you go.

1 - You've ever mixed your own soundtrack for playing Dungeons & Dragons

2 - When you get together with friends you always get discouraged trying to squeeze XBOX time between your busy paintball, and radio controlled car schedule

3 - Your senior year in high school you were voted MVP of your debate team

4 - You've read Lord of The Rings more times than your pastor has read the bible

5 - You have contempt for anyone who claims to be a fan of Lord of The Rings, but has never even read the books!

6 - You recently broke up with your long-term girl friend because she refused to email a picture of herself to you.

7 - You're 32 years old and your kids have to drag you out of the action figure isle at Toys R Us.

8 - You're frequently on a waiting list for a new video game release.

9 - You own a real sword, and you're actually pretty good with it. You're pretty good with a bow-staff too.

10 - You host your own blog site.

Well, there you have it? Are you an uber geek like me? I'm not saying I qualify with all ten of those indicators, but sadly many of them I drew from my own life. But, I'm not telling which ones. NO WAY.


Tracy said...

Hey - nothing wrong with that list, man! Nothing at all. OK, but you don't STILL play D&D, right? ;)

Unknown said...

...and I never did email you that picture! :-)