Saturday, December 17, 2005

Progress Report

Well, I thought I'd make a quick post, just because it's been so long since my last one. There has been no progress so far since my last post to filling slots in the team.

However, I have done a lot of thinking over strategies and what not. One big question I am having at this point, is this: With a ten man team, who is going to play in what positions? And how many positions do we duplicate.

At this point, I think the best route for us is to practice and train using the Special Ops positions found on their web site.

HAMMER - Super heavy gunner
BROAD SWORD - Heavy mobile gunner
SABER - Medium rifleman
DAGGER - Light rifleman ( recon )
SNIPER - well a sniper is a sniper = )
COMMANDER - leader

You have six positions here, and all but the Commander can be duplicated. What I need to figure out is how many of each position should we have, and where on the field do we place them? I guess once we get a real team together, and start practicing, everyone can start to get a feel for which position(s) suite them best, and we can also discuss as a team how and where and what we want to do. I already have some ideas about some fundmentals we should maybe look at.

For example: We need organized offense and defense. We should have guys on the team that specialize in defending, and guys that specialize in assault. One thing I'd really like to set up is plays. Yep, plays just like a football or basektball team. You could have pre arranged plays that are designed for certain situations, and during the game a commander, or squad leader can call out a play, and have it immediately executed. No questions, or confusion, or having to sit and make on the spot plans, which waste time. Nothing complicated or overly done. Like if a commander yells out ZULU! ZULU! It could mean something as simple as; regroup at our base, or lay down suppressive fire whith two flankers on that position.

Well that's the update for now. Unfortunatley there is snow on the ground, and the temps are in the single digits these days, so there hasn't been any paintball lately. As the weather starts to warm up, maybe we can get some games going, and I can start recruiting for the team. The SPPL regionals are in July. I don't know if that gives us enough time to get a team together and practice enough to be much of a threat. So, maybe I'm looking at getting a team together to spend the summer practicing, and then enter the SPPL tourney the next year. I hate to see a whole year go by though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if General Schwarzkopf could plan and execute a better strategy.