Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Much Needed Break

ahhhh. Two more hours and my vacation officially begins. I'll have the next 12 days off. I can't wait. Gonna do some paintballing, some camping, some swimming, and even some white water rafting. I also am hoping to use these next 12 days without the interuption of work to try to get ingrained back into a solid work out routine. I won't have my job to contend with, so getting out there to the gym, or on the bike, or hitting the trail head should be a lot easier to do.

Biking has been my latest thing to do. I live in a quite hilly area, and have been trying my best to get in about six miles a day so far. I can already feel my endurance building and am getting ready to up it to eight miles. I know this doesn't seem like a lot, but try pulling sixty extra pounds worth of kids in a bike trailer behind you up steep hills. It gets my heart beating sufficiently.

Final thought today is on the 4th of July celebration. God Bless America, and all who defend her.



Tracy said...

Cool! Hey, have an awesome vacation, and way to go on your bike average! 13 is a nice pace!

Have a great holiday!

Unknown said...

Home of the free, because of the brave!