I've let a while go without posting to my blog, so here's a brief recap of what's been going on. First of all, I am glad to say that the weigh loss has been coming along pretty good. I think I've been averaging about two pounds lost a week. The last time I weighed in a few days ago I hit 214.8 lbs. I was pretty stoked to hit under 215 lbs. It's kind of a mile stone for me. A few years ago, I did Body For Life for five weeks and was doing great. Then for some reason when my last son was born I just completely walked away from it, and gained all my weight back. Well, I have officially passed by the weight I was at when I abandoned my last attempt. So, this is a major milestone for me. Now to keep pounding away at the fat.
This week is going to be pretty tough though. There have been a lot of call ins at work and we are very short handed which has forced a lot of overtime on those of us left. I will be working about 40 hours overtime this week by the time it's all done. Not much time for getting workouts in. I am trying to continue eating right for the most part, but have had a couple free meals. Plus, I am not getting good sleep which I hear is essential for good weight loss and muscle building. For example: I got forced to work a twelve hour shift (not counting the two hours it takes to commute back and forth) yesterday - Father's Day. I wasn't very happy about that, had to miss my Dad's BBQ. Then while I'm here, a guy calls in for the night shift which caused a split shift. Basically what that means for me is I got to go home at 7pm but had to be back by 1am to start an eighteen hour shift. So yeah, going to get about two hours of sleep out of the next thirty six hours.
These types of things happen in life once in a while. I'm expecting that this week I probably won't be losing weight. I'll be happy just to maintain, but I won't be surprised if I gain a pound or two just because of the hectic circumstances and lack of time to plan out good meals and working out. That said, the key is I'm not all down and depressed about that fact. In the past, a week like this would have been enough to knock me off the wagon for weeks. But, this time I feel so much more in control of things. There's not this desperate feeling that I'm losing control, or an overpowering pull to give in. I know that when these awful days are behind me, I will unceremoniously and quietly slide back into my regular routine and move on with my weight loss goals.
For now, here's to reaching a milestone!
Over and out.
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