Well, I am considering giving up on this blog in a sense. Not abandoning it entirely however. I think I am going to give up on my rather lame attempt at providing profound remarks on the latest news and current events. Once in a while something might enrage me to the point of posting something here, but I think for the most part I am going to leave that kind of political analysis to the pros. Instead I am going to start narrowing the range of topics on here. I would like to start focusing in and making this more of a blog centering on my paintballing. And since my performance on the field is directly affected by my own fitness level, I will most likely make some fitness comments as well.
There's kind of a reason for this sudden switch, and that is I am seriously considering putting together a real team and for the first time in my paintballing career competing on a competition level. i.e. tournements and the like, instead of just shooting it up with pals in the woods on the weekends. So let this post be the first in the beginning of my newly themed blog about my journey in pursuit of excellence in the competitive paintball world.
As the season for outdoor paintball winds down I'm getting depressed. I didn't get to play as much as I wanted to this summer. Work schedules, and especially the weather did not work out. This spring was way too wet and cold to play, and the summer was DANG HOT! I enjoyed a few games this fall though, and made a new vow not to let the weather play such a factor in going out or not.
Ok so here's what I want to do. I want to put together a ten man team and compete hopefully next year in the SPPL. I've been glued to the web site ever since I discovered it, and the more I think about it the more I want to do it. This tourney has me written all over it!
First things first. I have to find ten to twelve guys willing to do this. It's going to take dedication, and commitment to do this, and I can't afford to have any last minute flakes on the team. So, selecting and putting together a team is going to be hard. I have about six guys now, they are:
Myself ( Lima )
For their privacy I've given them code names for the blog.
One major problem with this group is that Bravo and Delta both live four and three hours away respectively. And Juliet may be going off to med school. So, who knows how this will turn out. Gonna have to start keeping my eyes open for potential candidates to join the team. Not only do I need to get a team together, but I need to find a group of guys to practice with. Another team perhaps, or a group of recreational players that would be willing to help us practice. Basically be our tackling dummies. This isn't as easy as it may sound. To be a tackling dummy wouldn't be your typical day of playing paintball. Lots of stops and starts, and probably lots of getting hit. Being asked to do things you wouldn't normally do in a regular game. The most important thing at this point is to find a TEAM. . . no team no tourney.
Well, that's it for now. I will be on to update as time goes on.
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A paintball tourney with amazingly skilled dead-eye's...truly the most PERFECT thing I can think of you doing! On a funny note: my son LOVES paintball and air-soft wars...I bought him a ghillie suit from the Army Surplus for his birthday (you taught me so much) and we go to Idaho Tactical Games for the air-soft and paintball wars!
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