Well, today her training began. It wasn't much, but it was a good start for a dog who had never been harnessed up to something. We took the bicycle trailer and after a fashion were able to rig it to her harness. With my four year old and sixteen month old boys riding along we went on about a mile walk. At first Tundra was nervous and kept looking back, wondering what in the world was following her. But, it didn't take long for her to fall into step and figure out what was going on. She actually seemed to enjoy the excercise.
This phot of Tundra was taken during her first hike, the day after we brought her home...about a year ago.
I went to Home Depot tonight and bought some hardware and a couple wooden dowles to improve the rigging so she can pull more comfortably. For now just pulling the bike trailer around will suffice for training until she's used to the harness and pulling. Eventually and gradually we'll start adding weight to increase her strength and get her used to pulling against resistance. I will try to report our progress on the blog.